Yoko Yamazaki a.k.a Laranja (Pianist / Keyboardist / 作詞作曲・編曲)
アーティストサポート(Namyに作曲と鍵盤で参加、流線形と比屋定篤子、Snowk、Tokimeki Records、Kenichiro Nishihara、NOA NOA、Fontana Folle、myui…etc.鍵盤で参加)他、CM音楽制作などでも活動中。
2016年のMotion Blue YOKOHAMAでのLaranja ワンマンLiveは入場規制がかかる中、超満員の中で開催。
2017年、ブラジルサンパウロにて3日間で18万人を動員する世界最大級の日本祭りFestival do Japão他、サンパウロにて多数のイベントやメディアに出演し、現地ブラジル人と心が通いあうステージを披露。
2019年、インストゥルメンタル曲「Peacock's Blue」がオランダiTunes StoreのLatin Top Songsで4位、Jazz Top Songsで5位にランクイン。
2021年、クリスティーナ・アギレラ、レイ・チャールズ、ダイアナ・ロスなど世界的アーティストの数百ものレコーディングに参加してきたイタリアを代表するマルチ・インストゥルメンタリストのMichele Chiavariniによる、Laranja楽曲の『A Última Fortaleza(Michele Chiavarini Rimix)』をハウス・レーベルSpirit Soul からリリース。
2023年 Medbyとのユニットfemgeneとして、韓国人ラッパーJay Leeと日本人マルチ音楽家&mkzを迎え『Unparalleled Worlds』を日本と韓国でリリース。
2024年 JUHLA FESTIVAL にピアノソロで出演。

Photo by Yoko Morinaka
Laranja is the Brazilian Crossover solo unit of Pianist/Keyboardist/Composerser, Yoko Yamazaki.
Laranja: Yoko Yamazaki mixes the benefits of all kinds of music, including her beloved MPB (Brazilian Music),
with her own unique worldview.
Her music is full of color, and the piano she plays is sometimes passionate, and sometimes her playing notes are
touching the listener's heart like light shimmering on water.
She began playing the piano and creating music at the age of four.
As a teenager, she enjoyed listening to various kinds of music such as UK Rock, and went on to study classical piano at a music college.
After graduating from music college, she played Jazz, Soul, and Pop music at another music school, where she encountered
Brazilian music and fell in love with its vital rhythms and beautiful melodies.
She has been influenced by the Brazilian artists include Milton Nascimento, Flora Prim, Airto Moreira, Marcos Valle, César Camargo Mariano, and many others. She is also a fan of the music created by the new generation of Brazilian musicians.
Laranja has been performing and recording in Japan with her trusted musicians.
She also participates in other artists' live performances and recordings.
In 2017, she performed at Festival do Japão in São Paulo, Brazil, and other events.
In 2019, Laranja's instrumental song “Peacock's Blue” ranked no.4 on the Latin Top Songs and no.5 on the Jazz Top Songs on Netherland iTunes Store.
In 2021, Laranja released "A Última Fortaleza (Michele Chiavarini Rimix)" remixed by Michele Chiavarini, a leading Italian multi-instrumentalist who has participated in hundreds of recordings by world-famous artists such as Christina Aguilera, Ray Charles, and Diana Ross, on the house label Spirit Soul.
It has been well received by DJs around the world and played frequently in Japan and abroad.

Photo by Yoko Morinaka

Photo by Yoko Morinaka